The following information has been compiled over the years by members of my family. It has been typed, re-typed and now converted with OCR , it contains many grammar and spelling errors. I have corrected some of the grammar and spelling errors for easier reading but left most of it as written by the original authors.


I. Mary McGough, mentioned in her father's will in 1778 as the wife of John Sharp, may have been the oldest child. She was likely married to John Sharp after the settlement in Mecklenburg, as they were neighbors of the Sharp family. There have come down from vague traditions in the Sharp family of an earlier marriage with the McGough's than the marriage between Marshall Sharp and Matilda McGough in Green County, Georgia in 1819. It was probably this marriage between John Sharp and Mary McGough. Mary apparently died, and if she left any children to John Sharp, we now have no knowledge of it. He was married in about 1792 to Eleanor Cunningham and by her had nine children.

2. John McGough, oldest son of Robert, Sr. and Matilda McGough was born in County Down, Ireland on August 21, 1761. He died October 17, 1847. He is said to have been 10 years old when they came to America, thus dating arrival in Charleston, South Carolina, as 1771. They purchased land in Mecklenburg County in 1773. John was in service during the Revolutionary War and was wounded twice. In 1782, he married Elizabeth Carson, daughter of William Carson of Abbeville District, South Carolina and granddaughter of Thomas Carson of Green County, Georgia. John spent the remainder of his life in Green County; Georgia living on his original place, where he died in 1847, same year his wife Elizabeth Carson McGough died. They are buried in the McGough family cemetery on his home place along with several of their children and neighbors.

3. Isabella McGough, next named child in the will of Robert McGough was no doubt born in Ireland. She was born May 13, 1763. She apparently came to South Carolina with the rest of the family and was married in old Abbeville District (Edgefield County) to John Carson of Edgefield county who was born May 24, 1760 in Ireland. It appears they may have been cousins of some degree. John and Isabella were married June 24, 1782. After their marriage they lived in Edgefield County, South Carolina where all of their children were born. Later they moved to Crawford County, Georgia where they apparently lived out their lives and are buried. According to records of this family and their old bible, the children of John and Isabella McGough Carson were:
(I). Thomas Carson born May 13, 1785
(2). William Carson born August 26,1787
(3). Jane Carson born September 16,1789
(4). Phoebe Carson born January 3, 1793
(5). Polly (Mary) Carson born July 5, 1796
(6). John Carson born July 2, 1799
(7). Joseph Jefferson Carson born August 16, 1802
(8). RobertCarsonbornMay2, 1806 Joseph Jefferson Carson died April 12, 1875. He married a Miss Rains on October 29,1823.
They moved to Macon, Georgia and bought a plantation known as "Wilburville". He was a member of the Secession Convention of Georgia in 1861. He gave four sons to the Confederacy and three of them were killed in Virginia. Their bodies were brought home by servants and buried in the family cemetery. They had 10 children, four sons and six daughters. We have no knowledge of the other children of John Carson and Isabella McGough Carson.

4. Robert McGough, Jr., son of Robert McGough, Sr., was born December 1, 1765 in County Down, Ireland died October 26, 1827 in Dallas County, Alabama where he left a will recorded. We have seen how he went to Green County, Georgia as early as 1785 where he was living when he sold the home place in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. He was married to Nancy (Agnes) McWhorter, in Abbeville District, South Carolina. No date of marriage is given. According to traditions in the John McGough family, his brother Robert moved to Kentucky about 1806. We find that Robert Jr. and family were living in Christian County, Kentucky in the 1810 census and their family is composed of as follows. Census:
1 male - 45 and upward (1765) Robert Jr. himself
1 female - 26 - 45 (1765- 1784) Nancy McWhorter McGough.
I female - 16 - 26 (1784-1794)??
1 male - 16 - 26 (1784 - 1794) James McGough
1 female 10 - 16 (1794 - 1800) Mary McGough
1 female 10 - 16 (1794 - 1800) Elizabeth McGough
1 male 0 - 10 (1800 - 1810) Robert Joseph McGough
1 female 0 - 10 (1800 - 1810) Agnes McGough
1 female 0 - 10 (1800 - 1810)??

"More information will be given later on Robert Jr. and Nancy McGough"
We see here that he had two daughters I do not seem to know. Traditionally, he also had a son, John McGough, who was married to Elizabeth (Polly) Brooks in Christian County, Kentucky in 1810. The marriage record is recorded there. This John McGough obtained a land grant in what was then Livingston County in 1810, later was cut off into Caldwell County, Kentucky.
Robert McGough, Jr. and family moved to Dallas County after the Creek War was ended. All of the family moved there with the exception of John McGough who remained there in Caldwell County, Kentucky where he died in 1828. Two of Robert McGough's sons moved from Selena (sp), Alabama in 1843, James McGough and Robert Joseph McGough. James and family settled in Union County, Arkansas. Robert Joseph McGough and family settled in Union Parish, Louisiana. About 40 miles separated the two families. They still have descendants there.
5. William McGough, youngest son of Robert McGough, Sr. of Meckienburg County lived for many years in Green County, Georgia. Traditionally, he is said to have died in Twiggs County, Georgia. Very likely he was also born in Ireland. Little is known of William and his family. There are some records of deeds in Green County, Georgia showing that William was certainly there as early as 1792. September 13, 1797 - Green County, Georgia Deeds -William McGough sells to George Campbell for $600, 395 acres of land on the waters of the South Oghechee River, bounding on the land of L. W. Carson and N. W. Taylor. Land which had been granted to William McGough in the year of 1792 by Governor Telfair of Georgia.
Other deeds of William McGough in Green County:
January 18, 1791 - William McGough of Abbeville County, South Carolina sells to Zachariah Robertson of Green County, for $326.00, 163 acres of land on Beaverdam of Richland Creek. This deed shows an even earlier date for William's acquisition of land in Green County, though he was living in Abbevile District, South Carolina at the time of the sale in 1791. December 11, 1797 - William McGough of Green County, Georgia sells to Bennett Poesy for $100, 100 acres of land on Beaverdam of Richland Creek. November 23, 1792 - Thomas Grey of Green County, Ga. sells William McGough one Negro woman named Silvey. Witness to this deed was John Carson (probably the husband of Isabella McGough) but more likely the son Thomas Carson of Green County who also lived on Beaverdam of Richland Creek.
January 7, 1800 - Josiah Hudgins sells land to William McGough, 200 acres. January 7, 1800- William McGough of Abbeville County S.C. sells to Adam Simonton of Green County, Georgia, 200 acres of land on Oghechee River, South Fork, bounding on the north of John King's land, on the east on Spellinan's land, and on the south by Baldqin's land and on the west unknown. The census of Green County, Georgia for the year of 1820 shows William McGough and his wife, living near his brother John McGough. Both he and his wife are above 45 years of age, and living alone with no others in the household. We have no earlier censuses of Georgia than 1820. The earlier censuses having been destroyed in Washington when the British captured the capital and burned so many government buildings during the war of 1812. William does not show in Green County in the census of 1830. Neither is he in Twiggs County in 1830. However, in the 1840 census of Twiggs we find the family of Thomas C. McGough and again in the 1850 Thomas C. McGough appears. In 1860 census and 1870 census the family of James C. McGough appears in Twiggs County, but in 1860 and 1870 Thomas C. McGough is no longer there. The ages of Thomas C. and James C. are about the same and they may be the sons of William McGough. Further investigation will have to be made into this branch of this family.
6. Sarah McGough, last named child in the will of Robert McGough, Sr. Tradition in the John McGough family is that Sarah never married. She is said to have been a devout Quaker and always said "Thee" and "Thou" in her speech.
In 1946, I carried on a correspondence with a Mr. Dozier N. Fields who was then living at 98 Grant Ave., Islip, and Long Island, New York Island. He was employed in a bank in New York City. He was a descendant of John and Elizabeth Carson McGough through their daughter, Martha McGough, who married Perry Nelson. He was a grandson of William Nelson who wrote the old letter in 1895. He sent to me a photostatic copy he had obtained from the Dept. of Archives and History of Raleigh, North Carolina showing that Sarah McGough was paid 6 pounds and 3 shillings and 8 pence for sundries furnished the Militia of North Carolina, Virginia and South Carolina as allowed by William and Cathy, Auditors of Salisbury District as per their report No. 36, the date of this report is 1781. It appears that Sarah furnished supplies during the war as did almost every other patriotic family, and was finally paid in 1781. The information that Sarah was a Quaker comes from Miss Maude McGough of Seattle Washington in a letter to me in about 1946. Miss Maude McGough descends from Robert and Sandal Cabanas McGough of Monroe County, Georgia. Robert was a son of John and Elizabeth Carson McGough. It must be that Sarah lived with or near her brother John all her life since the only traditions we have of her comes down from the John McGough branch of the family.

Copyright © EDWARD MCGOUGH 2017